Determining CODEC used by a video file..

Hi guys.. I have worked so long in this topic..thts to find which CODEC is used by the software.

Most of the video files are avi files. so here is an ABSOLUTE FREEWARE.. There is a difference between freeware and ABSOLUTE freeware..

Freeware: Free.. But becomes out-dated. got to get a better verson with better functionality.

ABSOLUTE Freeware: Free.. No need to upgrade.. possibly in ur lifetime :-)

                                      And also provides all functionality. like ALL-IN-ONE

The software name is aFreecodecVT:

Load the required avi video and u'll get all the info which u needed and those u need it in future..

Really awesome one.. A must have for all video editing guys.

To see the website click here

To download the software click here

Enjoy the day,




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